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Finance41 Personal Finance


29 Bewertungen

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Personal finance app that keeps track of your spendings, incomes and savings. Simple but powerful.

Easier to use then an Excel spreadsheet, yet very powerful, Finance41 is built for people who want a clear insight of their money flow without the headaches of complicated software. Check the Android app for Finance41: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.finance41.android - quickest transaction adding form - categorize and budget with tags - analyse your spending, see all data in one place - maintain control of your finances Finance41 uses cutting edge technologies to create the greatest user experience, keeping things easy and simple while providing all the capabilities of a powerful finance tool. Finance41 is a really cheap service, and for many, free. Here's the cost: - First month the app is unlimited for free. - Then the app limits transactions inserting to 3 transactions per day unless a 2 dollars a month subscription is payed. So if you usually have less than 90 transactions per month, you’ll be just fine using the app for free. If you need more, the subscription is really cheap. The only difference between having and not having a subscription is the 3 transaction inserts per day limit, nothing else. You own your financial data, you will always be able to access, edit, and analyse it from any client (web app, Android app, Chrome extension etc.) or export it.

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