Red Block のアイテムロゴ画像

Red Block


78 件の評価

拡張機能ソーシャル ネットワーク8,000 ユーザー
アイテム メディアの 3 スクリーンショット
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アイテム メディアの 3 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 1 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 1 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 2 スクリーンショット
アイテム メディアの 3 スクリーンショット


해로운 사용자를 막는 새로운 체인블락 확장기능

Unfortunately, I decided to stop maintaining RedBlock, because of Twitter's API restrictions. -------------------- Red Block is an extension to block users from Twitter. It can use as replacement of Twitter Block Chain. It can blocks followers/followings, or block retweeters/likers to specific tweet. --Release Notes-- ## v0.14.2.0 - - Removed some features that no longer working on current Twitter(x). ## v0.14.1.3 - Fix the bug that export-session does not work. - Updated Chinese translation. ## v0.14.1.2 - Fixing the error that occurred when the reaction-related properties were missing when retrieving a tweet. ## v0.14.1.1 - Fix the bug that Red Block may not load its storage properly in some occasion. ## v0.14.1.0 - Add an option to show one-click block button to users who using the hexagon profile image(NFT). - Add an option to skip verified users. - Fix a bug on doing user search chainblock may not complete properly. - Fix a bug that Red Block wasn't detect edge2edge UI properly. - Fix a bug that somtimes Red Block wasn't check about login state. - Updated React v17 and MUI on Red Block's UI. ## v0.14.0.4 - Compatible with React v17 ## v0.14.0.3 - Fix the bug that when a Chain-block blocks a user, the One-click block button remains or even moves to the wrong position. - Fix the bug that toggling One-click-block mode may not work on some web browsers. - Fix the Red Block's UI when not logged in to Twitter. ## v0.14.0.2 - Add Chinese translation. - Fix bug that failed to download a blocklist created from Red Block. - Fix bug that the "BlockBuster" doesn't work correctly on Firefox. - Fix bug that toggling One-click block mode doesn't work on an extension's right-click menu. - Fix bug that a "Go to option page" menu item shows twice on the Chromium-based browser. ## v0.14.0.1 - Fixed bug that One-click block button doesn't appear in Twitter's design change (edge-to-edge) -- In this case, The block button will appear side of the menu button since there's no space below the profile image on the tweet. - Fixed the One-click block button's margin doesn't apply in RTL languages. - Improved the Popup UI to load quicker. ## v0.14.0.0 - Added recurring session. - Supports Twitter Space. - Can export blocklist. - Added options to adjust delay of blocking user in Chain-block - Oneclick-block related: - Supports TweetDeck. - Added options to apply Oneclick-block mode to all tabs - Moved Oneclick-block buttons to below of profile image - Fixed Oneclick-block may not disappear after success block. - Add menu to switching Oneclick-block mode to ON/OFF in Red Block's right-click menu. - Can use rightclick menu on new TweetDeck beta. - Add "Run Chain-block on users who use this hashtag in their's profile." menu on rightclicking hashtag. - Added backup/restore Red Block's settings. - Added reset settings. - Some modification on Popup UI (Moved "New Session" buttons to below of session's list) - Fix Red Block shows `[Object object]` instead of proper error messages. - (Experimental) Renamed "AntiBlock" to "BlockBuster" - (Experimental) (BlockBuster) Added options to utilize accounts that logged-in to TweetDeck - (Experimental) When you logged in with multiple accounts, there's a menu to block/unblock/mute/unmute specific user with all of your accounts. - (Experimental) Support Twitter's experimental emoji reactions. When this option is enabled, you can run Unchain-block to users who liked specific tweet.

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