Adswerve - dataLayer Inspector+
Visão geral
DataLayer Tools for Digital Analysts
The Adswerve dataLayer Inspector+ is a tool kit of utilities for a digital analyst. Inspect Google Analytics activity - Monitor the dataLayer in real time - See the Google Analytics hits in the console, as they happen - Evaluate common dataLayer pushes formats: events and ecommerce Insert additional resources in the page - Push a dataLayer message for setup - Add a GTM container to test it - Insert code into the page to monitor and modify How to use the dataLayer Inspector+: Update for v2024.11.1.1 Due to new restrictions on external script tags in Chrome extensions, the "Insert GTM Container" option has been removed from dataLayer Inspector+. Follow these steps to insert a GTM container into a web page with the "Inject Code" feature instead: Go to Under the Admin tab for your container, select "Install Google Tag Manager." As shown in the screenshot below, where it says "Paste this code as high in the <head> of the page as possible," copy just the snippet code content. Note: Do not include <script> or </script>, only the code between them. In the DataLayer Inspector popup, under "Add Functionality," check "Inject Code." Paste the code snippet from Tag Manager into the text box that appears. Click the button to "Save Settings & Reload." The GTM container will be inserted until the "Inject Code" box is unchecked and "Save Settings & Reload" is clicked again. Be sure to do this when you've finished testing.
4,1 de 556 notas
O Google não verifica as avaliações. Saiba mais sobre resultados e avaliações.
- Versão2024.11.01.1
- Atualização8 de novembro de 2024
- Oferecido porAdswerve
- Tamanho517KiB
- IdiomasEnglish (United States)
- DesenvolvedorAdswerve
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