Favorites - New Tab Page
258 valutazioni
A new tab page with your favorite bookmarks.
Favorites – a new tab page with your favorite bookmarks * Add and rearrange bookmarks via drag and drop * Customize the layout to your needs * Change the look and feel with themes * Sync settings across devices Privacy Policy: This extension does not collect any of your personal data. Requested permissions: This extension lets you view and manage your bookmarks depicted as icons. If available it downloads icon files directly from bookmarked websites and stores them on your computer. For this purpose the extension requests your permission to access your bookmarks, to download files from bookmarked websites and to store files on your computer in a virtual file system (sandbox). Requested permissions are solely used for the aforementioned reasons and not exploited to harm your privacy. Pricing / Business model: You can use this extension for free. Themes, however, must be purchased and you are gently encouraged to do so.
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- Versione1.18.0
- Ultimo aggiornamento:9 febbraio 2021
- Dimensioni4.38MiB
- Lingue51 lingue
- SviluppatoreM.Foit - Vertrieb von Hard- und SoftwareSito web
Karl-Heine-Str. 79a Leipzig 04229 DEEmail
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