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64 ratings

Developer Tools6,000 users

4.4 out of 5

64 ratings

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Marcus PetersApr 5, 2020

Won't let me activate or edit my fc after firmware updates, recognises its there but doesn't do anything past the opening screen

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kurts kisis (kurtsk)Nov 1, 2017

Nice App, very useful tool for config & tuning

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Adam MuseAug 28, 2017

Trash, doesnt work, do not think it will ever work. I've been trying for the past 5 months. All i want to do is finish my drone, and this is the last step. Again trash, they dont care to fix it, instead they came out with new hardware, instead of fixing their software.

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Sergii BogdanovAug 17, 2017

Best of the best FC

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Julius TjahyadiJun 25, 2017

best configurator

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Elias LabordusMay 25, 2017

This app is buggy. Sometimes parameters change randomly, or are not saved (yes I know, no batt connected). Also, since this app updates automatically, and the updates are not backwards compatible, you won't be able to change any rates or settings on your board before long. And flashing the FC to make it work again is a b*tch when you're a mac user. The FC itself is great! But this rating is about the app.

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FAHAD QTYApr 8, 2017

i cant activate my aio fc 16a

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Sean SepulvedaMar 31, 2017

Hands down the BEST!!! I will never go back to beta flight system!!!

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drew beislyJan 29, 2017

Very easy to use. Stock PIDs fly great!

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Wynn FPVJan 13, 2017

This is a very simple and easy to use Gui. I like kiss fc overall. couple times i had a deadduck happen but after i got some bad solder joint better worked perfectly.. Kiss fc does fly very good compared to the naze.. overall very good company!! would recommend to any one

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