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A smart, science backed way to learn new languages.

Contexicon is a new way to learn languages from Netflix. It opens on the side when you visit Netflix and shows you a personalized Learning Feed - a never-ending flow of short video clips from your favorite movies and TV shows, customized for your level and learning objectives. Here’s how it works: ➤ All you do is show up every day to get your practice in, and we’ll show you exactly what you need to see: authentic examples in authentic real-world contexts. ➤ The examples are chosen based on the principle of Comprehensible Input ➤ You'll answer short multiple choice questions that will teach Contexicon about your level and learning needs. This is how we customize your Learning Feed gets automatically over time. The learning theory behind Contexicon: ➤ We built Contexicon because we wanted an app that works with your brain, not against it. Read more about the Contexicon Method here: www.contexicon.com/blog/contexicon-method ➤ The importance of immersion: the more you surround yourself with the language you’re trying to learn, the faster and more completely your brain will detect its patterns and internalize them. We’re after that gut feeling that tells you how to use the new language to express your thoughts in real-life situations. ➤ Cross-situational repetition: the brain will only retain information that it encounters multiple times, and so we always show you multiple examples of all the words, expressions, or grammar concepts you are learning. However: the brain also thrives on variability, which is why Contexicon prioritizes cross-situational repetition. Each example of a word will teach you slightly different aspects of its meaning and use conditions. ➤ Incidental learning: when it comes to language acquisition, 90% of learning occurs outside the focus of your attention. Because every word/expression you are learning with Contexicon is surrounded by lots of other aspects of the target language, your brain can absorb much more than what you are consciously aware of. Available languages (many more to come soon!): English | Spanish | French | German Feel free to email us at info@contexicon.com if you have any questions or concerns - we’ll personally get back to you as soon as we can!

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    16. Dezember 2024
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  • Entwickler
    Contexicon Inc.
    25 Selby St Toronto, ON M4Y 0E6 CA
    +1 519-781-4052
  • Händler
    Dieser Entwickler hat sich als Händler gemäß der Definition der Europäischen Union deklariert.


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