Map a run, walk, or ride and save in Google Drive. View elevation profiles, share with friends, embed in a website or blog.
On The Go Map is created by athletes for athletes to make it as easy as possible to plan and share workout routes. Map a route in no time, then create a permalink to send to friends, embed in a blog or website, export as GPX, or send to your phone to follow along by GPS. Stores routes in Google Drive so changes are instantly synced between devices. Share routes with other Google Drive users to collaboratively edit in real-time. Displays distance, elevation gain and profiles so you'll know exactly what you're in for before you head out. Works great on small screens so you can view and edit routes on smartphones and tablets. Author's note: Whenever I'm running or biking someplace new, I use On The Go Map to map my run or ride then create a permalink and send to my phone. While I'm out, I can pop open the link to see my location plotted on top of the route.
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- Verzia0.0.0.2
- Aktualizované18. augusta 2017
- Veľkosť11.85KiB
- JazykyEnglish
- Vývojár
- Neobchodný subjektTento vývojár sa neidentifikoval ako obchodník. Upozorňujeme, že práva spotrebiteľov v Európskej únii sa nevzťahujú na zmluvy uzavreté medzi vami a týmto vývojárom.
Ochrana súkromia
Ak máte otázky, návrhy alebo problémy, otvorte túto stránku v prehliadači pre počítače