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Petr Doležal
Sep 20, 2022
Add a closing button?
Hi I love it, the search capabilities are indespensible!
However, I'm a dumb dumb and often can't remember which keyboard shortcut triggers it for me. This is fine if I can't open it, I just won't get to use it. But if I finally do manage to hit it, after spending some time searching, I forget it again, and can't figure out how to close it.
Any chance you can add a close button next to the fullscreen button? It's likely the first time everyone tries your app, they'll be looking for a close button. The app is a popup after all.
I imagine an advance version could also react to clicking outside of the search window, to turn Portal off and bring us back to Roam, but just a button would be sweet for now.
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geek mee
Sep 13, 2021
Does Roam Portal work on mobile iOS (iPad)?
I am running the latest iOS version
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Eduardo Inal
Jul 22, 2021
Exclude daily notes from graph
Hi Dharam, great work ! Thank you very much for you generosity.
One question, how can we exclude daily notes from the gragh view?
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john wheeler
Jun 25, 2021
Desktop support
I use the roam desktop app. Is there a way to support the desktop app with this extension?
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Jason smith
Jun 19, 2021
Keyboard Shortcuts
Dharam, love your extension. Use it so much that I need keyboard shorcuts, please!
After launching the search (with a keyboard shorcuts), I would love to go to "Recently edited" or "recently completed tasks" with a shortcuts. Also, switch tabs like "Globe" "Graph" etc.
Could you please add that to the roadmap? Would make me use more of your awesome tool.
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Ben McCarthy
May 16, 2021
'Exclude' terms from search
Hi, I love this plugin. It really helps view the 'meta' data on my Roam which is super useful.
But for an 'advanced search engine', there needs to be a way to exclude terms from your search, equivalent to Google's '-'.
Example use case: Exclude dates, attributes, and other 'meta' pages from the graph visualisation, as these links make the 'real' connections between pages hard to see and limit its actual usefulness.
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Jason Smith
Apr 8, 2021
Thank you thank you!
Dharam, keep up the awesome work. I am so impressed by you talent (it inspires me to work harder as I am a student).
Hope you continue to maintain this extensions (as many die off due to creators not working on it later).
Best wishes,
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Elizabeth Henning
Jan 3, 2021
"Saved Search" is just a tag?
I'm confused about how the "saved search" list works. From the description, it looks like it just displays the linked references for any blocks tagged with [[RoamPortal-Search]]. So it's not really a saved search, but a list of bookmarked blocks. Is this right?
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Way Ahead
Nov 1, 2020
Thanks this is awesome!
Hi -- You really have made something incredible here.
Please consider helping the people at Logseq -- (open source) maybe you could create the same thing for them but have it actually a functional part of their software.
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