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Downloads (all) NZBs of a Thread

0.2.1: 2ndlive added 0.2.2: get Categories from SABnzbd 0.3: Search & Replace Release-Title, Select-All, -None or -Invert Buttons 0.3.1: 2nd default SABnzbd-Category for Single Download added, Team-Member Option added (Team-Members don't have to click Thanx-Button) 0.3.2: D3rwisch added 0.4: re-written detection of Release, Header and Password. Thx-Button now only gets clicked if Post has a Hide. Download & Sabnzbd Button will only be visible, if Header was found 0.4.1: if Post doesn't contain a NZBIndex-Link, try find a NZBClub or Binsearch Link 0.4.2: Indexer Option added (Users can choose between NZBIndex and NZBClub) 0.4.3: Thank-You Function fixed 0.4.4: Timeout for XMLHttpRequest added, allow only one open Postlist, NZBClub Search Result matching problem fixed 0.4.5: Thank-You Function fixed (once again), decodeURIComponent in Header detection 0.4.6: Password detection improved, fixed password in Div-Element problem, fixed problem with & in passwords, fixed problem if NZB-Link is plain text and not a link 0.4.7: Option to change Indexer in Postlist added, debugging messages for XMLHttpRequest added Mysterbin in Header-Recognition added (for very old Threads) 0.4.8: no automatic download/send of NZBClub NZB, if NZB is incomplete (NZB has to have a Green Flag) 0.4.9: no automatic download/send of NZBIndex NZB, if NZB is incomplete (NZB has missing parts), set Release Name as Document Title for NZB-Tabs 0.5: Option added to get the SABnzbd-Category used by a Single-Download Button from a Forum-ID 0.5.1: "Sende Nachricht an" Context-Menu added Blacklist prepared, better Exception Handling 0.5.2: Thanks-Click delay increased to 2 seconds, preparation to get delay from server NaN Bug fixed 0.6: TVDB-Interface (alpha) added 0.6.1: language selection for TVDB-Interface added, IMDB-ID recognition improved 0.6.2: Buttons for other Styles added, load TVShow-Banner in Postlist if possible 0.6.3: overwrite existing NZBs in Download-Folder 0.6.4: No EpisodeName-Problem TVDB-Interface fixed, Postlist only available for TVShow-Foren, comment out getDelay Postlist enabled for SD foreign 0.6.5: changed NZBClub-URL to old layout 0.6.6: Problem fixed, if NZBName contains "&" and probably other special characters 0.6.7: activate Addon for showthread.php?p= URLs

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