KeePassXC-Browser - Chrome Web Store
Logobild des Artikels für KeePassXC-Browser


365 Bewertungen

ErweiterungDatenschutz & Sicherheit400.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


KeePassXC-Integration für moderne Webbrowser

Official browser plugin for the KeePassXC password manager ( The thing computers can do best is storing information. You shouldn't waste your time trying to remember and type your passwords. KeePassXC can store your passwords safely and auto-type them into your everyday websites and applications. Privacy Policy: --- Changelog: 1.3.3 (26-03-2019) ========================= - Prevent page scripts from using added DOM elements [#438] - Clear credentials when screen is locked [#358] - Fix z-order of password generator icon [#447] - Allow to select group when adding new credentials [#369] - Improve error messages [#392] - Fix shortcuts [#414] 1.3.2 (11-01-2019) ========================= - Fix KeePassXC version check [#376] - Fix race condition when web page has multiple frames [#371] - Remove check for aria-hidden [#365] - Reduce CPU usage [#349] 1.3.1 (11-01-2019) ========================= - Fix database unlocking [#309] - Add new key icon [#333] - Add keyboard shortcut configuration page for Firefox [#326] - Fix reconnect bug with older KeePassXC version [#354] - Improve input field detection [#314] - Remove unnecessary white space from translation files [#325] - URL change detection [#340] - HTTP auth credential requests are now handled separately (requires KeePassXC 2.4.0) [#343] - Site preferences fixes [#338] 1.3.0 (07-10-2018) ===================== - Add support for translations [#37] - Add quick-filter bar to credentials selection popup [#252] - Disable automatic filling and submission of HTTP basic-auth fields by default [#260] - Do not fill password fields if a manually entered username does not match retrieved credentials [#289] - Fix handling of websites with separate pages for username and password [#291] - Improve detection and handling of hidden input fields [#263, #293] - Fix updating credentials from the context menu [#256] - Improve shortcuts and add button to open shortcut settings [#304] - Do not mix pairing IDs across multiple databases within a session [#258] - Ignore certain elements on a page, such as SVGs [#246] - Do not show the full pairing key on the settings page [#242] - Default to checking for updates every 3 days [#239] - Hide update message when updates are turned off [#285] - Fix discard button not being shown when selection custom login fields [#307] - Update webextension polyfill to a newer version, which fixes various errors [#296] 1.2.0 (29-07-2018) ========================= - Replace "Ignored Sites" with new "Site Preferences" settings page [#208] - Fix checks throwing errors [#207, #222] - Ignore more non-input elements [#212, 210] - Fix URL matching when there is a trailing slash [#231] - Allow infiting waiting on "Remember Credentials" popup [#232] - Minor user interface adjustments [#233, #230, #213] - Improve search field detection [#195] 1.1.7 (13-06-2018) ========================= - Fix credential field detection regression [#199] 1.1.6 (12-06-2018) ========================= - Disable single username field detection [#194] - Fix ignored sites [#196] - Detect credential fields without type [#198] 1.1.5 (11-06-2018) ========================= - Fix search fields being detected as username fields [#189] 1.1.4 (10-06-2018) ========================= - Improve performance of field detection and limit it to 100 fields [#166,#157,185] - Improve option to ignore fields [#170] - Automatically retrieve credentials after unlocking the database [#153] - Fix option to only save the domain name not working as intended [#151] - Fix credentials popup not being shown on some websites [#154] - Improve detection of username fields [#164] - Allow filling of TOTP fields when they are on a separate page [#162] - Ignore invisible input fields more strictly [#176] 1.1.3 (11-05-2018) ========================= - Remove autoreconnect to prevent proxy process leakage on Windows [#147] - Fix browser becoming unresponsive due to constant field polling [#148] 1.1.2 (10-05-2018) ========================= - Fix credentials being requested for non-login fields [#144] 1.1.1 (10-05-2018) ========================= - Improve dynamic input field detection [#117] - Fix HTTP Basic Auth dialog [#121] - Fix incorrect update notification [#141] - Do not try to detect database changes on page load [#142] 1.1.0 (09-05-2018) ========================= - Allow specifying ignored sites - Add new notification options - Improve detection of username fields - Change conflicting shortcuts - Redetect credential fields after reload - Don't show popup when database is closed - Various password generator fixes - Fix various resource leaks - Fix searching in all databases 1.0.1 (04-03-2018) ========================= - Don't fill password fields if they already have data - Fix custom placeholders - Fix input type checks - Fix custom input fields with multiple tabs 1.0.0 (27-02-2018) ========================= - First stable release

3,7 von 5365 Bewertungen

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Hubert Moritz11.06.2024

Funktioniert nicht auf Chromebook. Keepass2 Android. Chrome Browser Erweiterung installiert, stellt aber keine Verbindung her mit KeepassXC

4 von 7 fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
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Privacy Enhanced26.05.2024

Open Source und Lieblings Pass-Manager. Vielen Dank an die Entwickler.

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Läuft absolut einwandfrei!! Man muss nur in den Einstellungen das Häckchen richtig setzen, dann schließt sich auch nichts einfach so ;) Vielen Dank an die Entwickler - Super Arbeit von Euch!

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    7. Juli 2024
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    31 Sprachen
  • Entwickler
  • Kein Händler
    Dieser Entwickler hat sich nicht als Händler deklariert. Für Verbraucher in der Europäischen Union gelten die Verbraucherrechte nicht für Verträge, die zwischen dir und diesem Entwickler geschlossen werden.


Der Entwickler hat offengelegt, dass keine deiner Daten erhoben oder genutzt werden. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Datenschutzerklärung des Entwicklers.

Dieser Entwickler erklärt, dass deine Daten

  • nicht an Dritte verkauft werden, außer in den genehmigten Anwendungsfällen
  • nicht für Zwecke genutzt oder übertragen werden, die nichts mit der Hauptfunktionalität des Artikels zu tun haben
  • nicht zur Ermittlung der Kreditwürdigkeit oder für Darlehenszwecke verwendet oder übertragen werden


Wenn du Probleme, Fragen oder Vorschläge hast, rufe die Supportwebsite des Entwicklers auf
