Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker - Chrome Web Store
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Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker

4,9K beoordelingen

ExtensieWinkelen4.000.000 gebruikers
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Screenshot 6 voor itemmedia


Adds price history charts and the option to be alerted on price drops to all supported Amazon sites.

✜ Price History charts Detailed Price History charts for over 4 billion Amazon products. ✜ Price Drop & Availability Alerts Set up a price watch directly from the product page. We track any product for you and notify you once the product dropped below your desired price. We track lightning deals as well! ✜ Compare and track international Amazon prices Prices for all Amazon locales are listed and can easily be tracked. ✜ Daily Deals, an overview of recent price drops Get the real deals. Keepa finds the best deals every day. Find products with the highest drop in price in your favorite product category. ✜ Wishlist Import You can easily import your whole wishlist and create price watches for every item on it. ✜ Customizable Change the behavior of the extension the way you like it. No account needed. Just install and start saving money. This extension does not add any browser buttons. You can access and set it up on any Amazon product page. We follow Chrome's minimum permissions policy and only request the following permissions: - Access to needed for communication with our servers to provide the extension with price history data and handle your (optional) user account for price tracking. - Access to amazon pages: Required to embed our price history graph directly on Amazon product pages. - "declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess" and "cookies": These enable the extension to make requests on its own to the pages listed above. This communication enables, among others, the MAP reveal feature (shows hidden prices directly on the product pages) and Stock reveal feature (shows available stock of 3rd party merchants). - "storage": Enables the extension to store data (like your settings) locally in your browser. Like cookies. - "contextMenus": Enables a context menu entry which allows you to open multiple products shown on an Amazon page on Disabled by default. That's it. You can also read our privacy policy, it is really short:!disclaimer

4,7 van 54,9K beoordelingen

Google verifieert reviews niet. Meer informatie over resultaten en reviews

Profielfoto van auteur van review

Luis Ariel Arias Berueta30 jul 2018


1 van 4 vonden dit nuttig
Profielfoto van auteur van review

Jerome Joaquin30 nov 2016

oppertunity hit proper sauce

0 van 2 vonden dit nuttig


  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    2 juli 2024
  • Grootte
  • Talen
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Keepa GmbH
    Berndorfer Str. 10 Kemnath 95478 DE
  • Handelaar
    Deze ontwikkelaar heeft zichzelf aangeduid als handelaar, in overeenstemming met de definitie van de Europese Unie.


Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker heeft de volgende informatie geleverd over de verzameling en het gebruik van je gegevens. Je vindt gedetailleerdere informatie in het privacybeleid van de ontwikkelaar.

Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker regelt het volgende:

Persoonlijk identificeerbare informatie

Deze ontwikkelaar verklaart dat je gegevens:

  • Niet worden verkocht aan derden, behalve voor de goedgekeurde toepassingen
  • Niet worden gebruikt of overgedragen voor doeleinden die niet zijn gerelateerd aan de kernfunctionaliteit van het item
  • Niet worden gebruikt of overgedragen om de kredietwaardigheid te bepalen of voor doeleinden met betrekking tot leningen


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