KDP ADS Profit calculator
KDP ADS Profit calculator
Browser Extension for KDP Self-Publishers Calculating your ads profitability has never been easier! ✔ Our browser extension allows you to calculate your KDP ads profit in seconds ✔ Access our Web Tool for quick and handy calculations to better optimise your ads ✔ Easily link royalties with advertising ✔ Quickly connect Organic Sales and Advertising Sales ✔ Understand your Costs, Royalties and ROI ✔ Calculate Product Page Conversion Rate (CVR) ✔ Find out your Total Net Royalty per book ------------------------------------------------------------- 🔧 Instructions 🔧 KDP Ads Profit Calculator is a Chrome Extension with built-in formulas that allow users to calculate their KDP ads profitability. 👉 Open KDP Ads Profit Calculator Chrome Extension 👉 Input manually ✴️ Book Royalty ✴️ Number of Units Sold (from the Ads Dashboard or adding organic sales) ✴️ CPC ✴️ Ad Spend 👉 The outputs are ✅ Cost per Sale ✅ Number of clicks needed to get 1 sale ✅ Net Book Royalty ✅ Total Net Royalty ✅ ROI ✅ Landing Page Conversion Rate ------------------------------------------------------------- 🚀 Productivity Tools set you up for success while optimising your ads 📝 Insert Royalty, Spend, CPC, Orders for one book 💰 Find Cost per Sale, Royalty per Sale, Total Net Royalty, Landing Page CVR and ROI 📚 Connect Organic Sales and Advertising Sales 📈 Optimise your campaign better, faster and smarter ------------------------------------------------------------- Take your self-publishing business to the next level with our services for publishers Learn How to Improve Your Ads: https://www.witwriters.com/amazon-kdp-ads-profit-calculator Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WitWritersPublishing Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Witwriters
- Version1.0.0
- UpdatedDecember 9, 2022
- Size103KiB
- LanguagesEnglish (United States)
- Developer
- TraderThis developer has identified itself as a trader per the definition from the European Union.
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- Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
- Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes
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