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Among Us Smasher Game


3 Bewertungen

ErweiterungSpiele4.000 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot


Sie müssen Ihre Feinde eliminieren, indem Sie sich vorwärts schleichen, ohne Sie zu bemerken.

Get ready for the crazy fighters among us! Choose your best hero and join this legendary fun. Six different character skins are available in the game Among us smasher. You are rewarded for the missions you complete on the track, and you can unlock character skins with the rewards you earn. Among us smasher is a action game. There are more than fifty levels in this action game. Each level is more complex than the previous level. The purpose of Among us smasher is to eliminate your opponents in the levels before other opponents see them. If you leave a trail behind you, other opponent players may notice you and this may cause you to lose the game. Eliminate your opponents secretly without being seen by anyone, and be the star of the smasher game among us. How To Play In challenging levels, you can move your character with the help of the mouse. In the game among us smasher, where timing is essential, you must eliminate all your enemies before the security guards see you. Among Us Smasher Game Features ✓ Stylized graphics ✓ 5+ Character ✓ Stylized particle ✓ Easy control ✓ 3D Environment Finally, you can enjoy these game for free (and more requests will be added)! Among Us Smasher Game extension does not contain any hidden ads. Help and Contact Contact with us at info@gamebol.com and share your thoughts and problems.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    10. Oktober 2023
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    44 Sprachen
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