Logo položky Azbuka



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Convert Cyrillic to Latin, or Latin to Cyrillic. Now with medžuslovjansky support.

This extension converts Cyrillic (Belorussian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian) to Latin. It can also convert Latin (Croatian, Czech, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian) back to Cyrillic. The latest version also supports Medžuslovjansky/Меджусловјанскы. Target audience of this extension are Slavic people who don't use Cyrillic/Latin in their languages, they don't plan to learn Cyrillic/Latin, but they still want to be able to quickly read Cyrillic texts. Slovak, Czech, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian, and others will now be able to read Cyrillic quickly and without any learning whatsoever and Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian will be able to read latin texts in their native Cyrillic. But wouldn't it be better for them to learn Cyrillic/Latin? I've learned Cyrillic, it does not help, when you don't use it often then the reading is very slow. How to use it? Select text, right click to open context menu, click on menu item "Azbuka (selection)" and selected text will be converted your alphabet. If nothing is selected, menu item will be called "Azbuka (entire page)" and it will convert entire page. If you have multiple Cyrillic languages on one page, you will get better translation result if you select one language block at a time. It uses language auto detection and to select best dictionary and when multiple languages are mixed it get confused. You can see dictionaries on options page. You can also report incorrect translations there (e.g. missing characters). In options page you can change your native language. This is important to better translate text to your language, for example if you choose Polish letter "č" will be "ć", if you choose Ukrainian letter "G" will become "Ґ". You can also click on "Az" icon in top right corner and small popup window will appear where you can translate from different languages.

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  • Verze
  • Aktualizováno
    28. února 2020
  • Autor
    Dusan Halicky
  • Velikost
  • Jazyky
    English (United States)
  • Vývojář
    Dušan Halický
    Rovníková 5 Košice 04012 Slovakia
  • Neobchodnický subjekt
    Tento vývojář se neidentifikoval jako obchodník. Spotřebitele v Evropské unii upozorňujeme, že se na smlouvy mezi vámi a tímto vývojářem nevztahují spotřebitelská práva.

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