This extensions shows you the complete list of the songs that you get in Just Dance game when you subscribe to the Unlimited…
This extensions shows you the complete list of the songs that you get in Just Dance game when you subscribe to the Unlimited Service. When a new song is added to this service, it will show with a "NEW" tag along the name. You can also filter all the songs to find your favourite ones and play a preview of all songs (30 seconds). JUST DANCE® UNLIMITED is an online streaming service that grants you unlimited exclusive access to an ever-growing catalog of more than 400 of the best Just Dance songs from yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 24 Hour, 1 month, 3 month, and 12 month passes are available. Choose the pass that’s right for you and keep the party going! Share your experience at the Chrome Store and rate Just Dance songs (Unlimited Subscription) extension. Extension made by Adrián Arbizu Donoso (Spain). Framework used: Angular 12.
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- Version2.6.0
- Opdateret11. september 2023
- Udbydes afAdrián Arbizu
- Størrelse299KiB
- SprogEnglish
- Udvikler
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