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Thomas Shelby
Mar 25, 2022
I'm sure I'm being hacked but I have troubler finding out who they are can someone help please
For two years now I've had every device that I bought hacked and when I go into my logs it always says the same code and it gives specific names I'm not going to name but I'm having issues trying to find the person well I won't say one is Chrono is one of those people involved and there's numerous others with Gmail account and then there's people other people that take my Gmail accounts in my other accounts and they changed the passwords on them and constantly just messing with me I don't know what the issue is they stole a lot of money from me they've stole money from the pastor of my church which I live next to they smashed my mailbox so I know they live near me and I'm thinking there a lot of Gamers because they have devoured all of my gaming assets like that was the first thing to go so and I've spoke with one or two of them a few times when I make them really angry like when they got into my phone system AT&T and signed up for five new phones on a family plan and change our plan and they're still on our plan and a T and T won't let us cut them off so I changed that SIM cards twice now and I'm about to cancel the whole service. Plan but I've got gbi I wrote a couple of other people because they've opened over like 30 accounts and credit lines in my name waiver that I think and in my pastor's name so anybody can help I'd really appreciate
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