JSON Formatter의 상품 로고 이미지

JSON Formatter


평점 1.9천개

확장 프로그램개발자 도구2,000,000 사용자
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷


Makes JSON easy to read. Open source.

The original JSON Formatter, now with optional dark mode 🌚 Auto-formats JSON when you load it in a browser tab. FEATURES - Fast, even on very long JSON pages - Dark mode - Syntax highlighting - Collapsible trees, with indent guides - Clickable URLs - Negligible performance impact on non-JSON pages (less than 1 millisecond) - Works on any valid JSON page – URL doesn't matter - Buttons for toggling between raw and parsed JSON Note: this extension might clash with other browser extensions that modify the DOM before it runs. If it doesn't seem to be working, try disabling other extensions. If it clashes with an extension you need, open an issue and I'll try to find a solution. SOME EXAMPLE JSON PAGES to try it out on: https://callumlocke.github.io/json-formatter/ PRO TIP Hold down control (or cmd on Mac) while collapsing a tree - collapses all siblings too. PRIVACY No tracking, no advertising, and nothing else nefarious. SOURCE CODE github.com/callumlocke/json-formatter ISSUES github.com/callumlocke/json-formatter/issues WHO MADE THIS twitter.com/callumlocke

5점 만점에 4.6점평점 1.9천개

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  • 업데이트됨
    2024년 3월 28일
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    Callum Locke
    36 Addington Grove London SE26 4JX GB
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