7 support issues

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Desikavinayagam S

Jun 30, 2020

Exception not working for sites

Exception list tabs also getting merged to single window.
Also I have multiple monitors, extension is getting merged with all the tabs from all 3 monitors into primary window browser.

Some Guy Online

May 31, 2018

Un-join tabs option

Great app, problem is that sometimes I accidentally join tabs and now my carefully split browser windows are merged into one. An option to undo the merges would be EPIC; I'd even pay for that kind of upgrade.

Ryan Roper

Nov 13, 2016

Chrome OS

Please add the option to add exceptions for chrome-extension:// URLs

Irina Svetlowa

Nov 3, 2016

Extension buyout

I am interested in acquiring your extension "JoinTabs".

Please contact me at: isvetlowa@gmail.com

Cindy Dolan

May 30, 2014

Popup blocker ineffective

When JoinTabs is enabled, the popup blocker merges the (now unblocked) ads into the main window. I will have to enable JoinTabs just when using Chromecast and disable it the rest of the time. Please let me know when/if this is addressed.

Robert Best

Jan 11, 2014

Preserving Pinned Tabs


I love your join tabs app. I've been using it for a while.

The only problem I have is that it unpins all my pinned tabs when I use it.

How easy would this be to fix?

Thanks for your app!

Eyal Herlin

Dec 26, 2012

Addition to "List of windows not merged automatically"

My use case is this:
Have every window always auto merge (as in the option you already have) unless I am the one that created it either by dragging a tab (already an option), creating a new window or most importantly (for me) opened a link from a site in a new window.
To put it simply:
- window created by user? don't merge
- window created by machine? merge

Thanks a lot for one of the only extensions that I keep using regularly.


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