Item logo image for CPDD-Blossom



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51 support issues

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Marielle Noël

May 16, 2020

Search bar black

Hi ! The search bar, for a reason I do not understand, is black now.

Can you tell me how I can change that ? It was better before (when it was white).


PS: My computer is a Macbook Air.

Lauren Shepard

Apr 28, 2020

Black search bar

Hi, is it possible to restore the search bar to its normal white instead of black?

Магдалена Добрева

Apr 22, 2020

Bad view of google search...

Hello, I do not like this black google bar on my search engine. Can you restore the old look, please?

Mathilde Villatte

Apr 22, 2020

sujet du thème

bonjour d un coup j ai eu ma barre de recherche google qui est devenu noire et je préférai le thème avant comment faire ? s il vous plait

Olga Masiuk

Apr 22, 2020


Добрый день! Очень нравиться эта тема! Но сегодня появилась черная поисковая строка? Очень напрягает. Это что, новые обновления? Нельзя ли вернуть как было?

Sor Doris Victoria Rodriguez Valladares

Oct 2, 2018


no puedo descargarlo

Sylvie Des

May 23, 2016

Tellement beau ! Mais...

Les onglets sont trop colorés difficile à voir
dommage car c'est lui que j'aurais choisi

Paul B.

Mar 21, 2016

popup status bar color

Great theme. One difficulty I have is reading the text on the black popup status bar. A lighter color font would be better for my eyes.

Сергей Дынин

Feb 5, 2016

CPPD-Blossom bug

Hello! 29 .01.2016 bug in Google Chrome with this, I have chosen the theme CPDD-blossom. There is no possibility to provide a screenshot, but after updating the Google theme flew and reinstall the browser does not work, that is at the top of the browser page, half blue strip theme CPDD-blossom, and the other is painted black. Fix it please. P.S:We are waiting for corrections and a response from the developer. Dear developer, please reply on the issue. This problem at all.

Сергей Дынин

Jan 31, 2016

CPPD-Blossom bug

Hello! 29 .01.2016 bug in Google Chrome with this, I have chosen the theme CPDD-blossom. There is no possibility to provide a screenshot, but after updating the Google theme flew and reinstall the browser does not work, that is at the top of the browser page, half blue strip theme CPDD-blossom, and the other is painted black. Fix it please.

Google apps