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ExtensionEducation200,000 users

270 support issues

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Barry Copeland (Yonesato/米里/Barry)

Feb 20, 2025

definitions missing

I recently lost the definitions info when I highlight a word. Any way to fix?
Thanks so much!

Swati Singh

Feb 11, 2025

Not able to use it

Is it possible that I can use this extension in phone I am in Android because I really in a need

Barry OReilly

Aug 25, 2024

No longer popups for local files

This stopped working today on local files opened in Chrome via file://. I see Japanese words highlighted like usual, but no popup with the definitions. I still have "Allow access to file URLs" enabled for the extension. Restarting Chrome didn't work. Visiting pages on the web it works fine however.

Osman Uygun

Jul 30, 2024

Problem with トルコ - Turkey

When it shows the English meanings of the Japanese word トルコ, it includes the word "Tuerkiye".
However this is wrong. The country did indeed recently changed its official name to Türkiye but the Turkish "ü" cannot be written as "ue" since the Turkish "ü" is considered a distinct letter, collated separately, not a simple modification of letter "u" like in German.
Therefore the English spelling should be either "Türkiye" or "Turkiye" depending on if non-English letters can be used or not.

Duri Yudha Nandhita

Mar 8, 2023

Using rikaikun to read PDFs

First, thank you very much for this extension. It really helped me immensely in reading comprehension.

Second, I have a question. Is it possible to use rikaikun on PDFs opened on Chrome? If yes, then how do I enable rikaikun to do so?


Nov 16, 2022

do you have any plan for JP -> KR

at its current state it only support JP -> EN, but do you have any plan for JP -> KR ?
if no, is there anyway to add KR language to rikaikun ?

Remi Dumas

Oct 18, 2022

Manifect V3

Will you update the extension to be compatible with Manifect V3, if it's even possible?
Rikaikun, is wonderfull and helped me learn and understand so much! I can not do without it.

Bob Schneider

Oct 1, 2022

Kanji dictionaries

The kanji numbers for Kanji Learner's Dictionary do not match those of the Kodansha Kanji Learners Dictionary I have. Is that because I'm using the 2013 revised version of the book? Thank you for your help and your wonderful app.

Oliver Chubb

Jul 31, 2022

Rikaikun icon does not appear

I have it active in my extensions, have tried disabling then enabling - reloaded, but can not seem to find a place to turn it on whilst on a web page.
Clearly user error, but how do I turn it on. (macbook, catalina, uptodate chrome)


Jun 26, 2022

Bug when zoomed in on Google docs

The plugin works fine now on text in a Google doc when the zoom is set to 100%, but if I increase the zoom to 150% or 200% to make it easier to read, Rikaikun stops being useful. Definitions still pop up, but they're not what the cursor is pointing at. It's almost like the plugin is seeing at the document at 100% zoom, even when it's being displayed larger. I tried refreshing multiple times, but this appears to be a bug.

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