Jiometri dash mkondoni - Chrome Web Store
Picha ya nembo ya kipengee cha Jiometri dash mkondoni

Jiometri dash mkondoni

KiendeleziMichezo114 watumiaji
Picha ya skrini ya 2 ya maudhui ya kipengee
Picha ya skrini ya 1 ya maudhui ya kipengee
Picha ya skrini ya 2 ya maudhui ya kipengee
Picha ya skrini ya 1 ya maudhui ya kipengee
Picha ya skrini ya 1 ya maudhui ya kipengee
Picha ya skrini ya 2 ya maudhui ya kipengee


Jiometri Dash Toleo Kamili ni mchezo wa kufurahisha wa jukwaa ambao huunda juu ya sheria za mchezo wa asili kwa kuanzisha vizuizi…

Geometry Dash Online is a free side-scrolling platformer played in sync with musical rhythms. Groove your way over and under obstacles to keep the musical momentum alive. If you slip up, it’s back to the beginning! This game became our family obsession during lockdown but we have recently returned to play it. Combining simple controls and a high level of challenge makes for a fun experience we can all enjoy. Because the play is in time with the music, it’s also a good way to develop children’s sense of timing and musicality. Sometimes we’ve even played it once the kids are in bed, to see if we can improve our skills for the next family session. How to Play The square moves by itself in Geometry Dash. All you have to do is click to jump when necessary and use up/down to steer vehicles. The way you dodge obstacles is often in sync with the beat, so make sure your sound is on and enjoy the experience! As you move through the levels, there are different sections with cool new tunes, colors, and abilities that require extra attention. It’s a superb musical journey!

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  • Toleo
  • Imesasishwa
    11 Juni 2024
  • Ukubwa
  • Lugha
    Lugha 44
  • Wasanidi Programu
    Barua pepe
  • Asiye mchuuzi
    Msanidi programu huyu hajajibainisha kuwa ni mchuuzi. Kwa watumiaji walioko nchi za Umoja wa Ulaya, tafadhali zingatia kwamba haki za mtumiaji hazitumiki katika mikataba kati yako na msanidi programu huyu.


Msanidi programu amefumbua kwamba hatakusanya wala kutumia data yako. Ili upate maelezo zaidi, angalia sera ya faragha ya msanidi programu.

Msanidi programu huyu anabainisha kwamba data yako

  • Haiuzwi kwa watoa huduma wengine, nje ya hali za matumizi zilizoidhinishwa
  • Haitumiwi wala kuhamishwa kwa madhumuni ambayo hayahusiani na utendaji mkuu wa kipengee
  • Haitumiwi wala kuhamishwa kwa nia ya kubaini kama unastahili kupokea mkopo au kwa madhumuni ya ukopeshaji
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