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Simple To-Do List

134 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning20,000 users

39 support issues

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Vipul Kore

Oct 31, 2023

An error has occurred: Could not move extension directory into profile.

When I Click on Add to Chrome, dialogue box appears mentioning "An error has occurred.
Could not move extension directory into profile."

I really love this extension and do not want to loose this best extension. Please solve this problem.

Anne-Marie Harrison

May 1, 2023

make a shortcut

want to make a shortcut for email

Khalid Charit Boumankar

Apr 16, 2023

copia de usuarios

mover por contra

Kris Willmert

Sep 22, 2022

Some special characters choke the app

I noticed an issue with entires disappearing myself, but I was able to track down the cause: when you add a task with an & character in it, everything appears to be fine and you can even move it around, re-order it, and give it a priority and all is well. Even when you close the list, the number of tasks remains correct. However, when you re-open the list, all the edits you previously made within the same "session" of interacting with the list are lost and it reverts to the state it was in the last time you interacted with it successfully.

I'm guessing that other special / unusual characters probably cause the same problem, and could be behind a lot of the other reports of entries disappearing, etc.

Rajeev Jayaswal

Aug 26, 2020

Tasks are not getting updated

I added task and when I reopen extension - it does not show tasks.

Ariana Ballardo Medina

Jun 9, 2022

The same with me. Still no answers? :´)

Maria de Lourdes de Oliveira

Aug 16, 2020

Meu zapp não entra no pc

Meu zapp não entra no meu PC

Rodney Dempsey

Jul 1, 2019

I badly need to learn how to utilize google chrome wit a mic

I have just put my email address in and I neesd instructiOnss on how to learn t usee Google Chrome. Unfortunately, Ih ave usesd MSN Outlookk since i BEGAN , AND NEVER TRIED GOOGLE CROME. i HAVE BEEEN PARTIALLY BLILND SINCE 16 AND NOW HAVE TREMORSS INY HANDS.I boungt a mic to use t transcribe on Word 365 Shouod I be able to lutiliae it, where can I find somoeone to teach hme how to utiliae it for all facets that Googl;e
Chrome offers..

Ali Ridha

Jun 7, 2018

add more periority colors

could you add more colors ... please, make it 6 (more will be better) colors instead of 4

Дмитрий Антонов

Sep 21, 2017

не устанавливается

не устанавливается на 1.12.955.36 (Stable channel) (32 бит)

Romik Vadhvana

Sep 10, 2017

First line is showing empty which is confusing

Because of the empty first line I lost my all the data

it should be simple and start from the very first line so that people does not think that the line is not useful - infect by selecting that it selects all the data, I don't like that confusion.

Google apps