리뷰: Visual bookmarks
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Visual bookmarks


평점 319개

확장 프로그램워크플로 및 계획20,000 사용자

5점 만점에 4.5점

평점 319개

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비엠또불유2024. 3. 12.

I was using Homey and Visual Bookmark alternately, but eventually settled on Visual Bookmark... I used Homey, but it has a major drawback. Homey creates an identical copy of the bookmark and displays it on the dial. If you add a bookmark on the main screen, it will appear on the copy side. None on the original page. I have thousands of bookmarks and this is doubling it. Switch back to Visual Bookmark. Homey랑 Visual Bookmark랑 와따가따 사용 중이었는데 결국 Visual Bookmark로 정착... Homey 를 썼는데 결정적인 단점이 있음.... 더보기

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