Open with Bluestacks
776 ratings
Easily open APK links in BlueStacks
Open your APK files using Bluestacks Emulator now. Want to open APK files using your favorite emulator software Bluestacks? You can do so now after you install our software extension. To begin using our software extension, here are the steps you need to do. Ensure you have Bluestacks installed on your computer. Install our software extension "Open with Bluestacks" Once you install our software, please refresh all your existing Tabs/close browser and restart browser to let the extension load. Choose the APK file you wish to open with Bluestacks via the right click context menu button. Its that simple, just use the right click context menu to choose Bluestacks when you want to open your APK Files. Please note this extension was NOT made by Bluestacks. It was made by an external third party developer. This extension allows you to download and run APK files quickly using the context menu.
3.9 out of 5776 ratings
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- Version3.0.0
- UpdatedAugust 31, 2022
- Size2.34MiB
- Languages40 languages
- DeveloperWebsite
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