Mymail-Crypt for Gmail™: изображение логотипа

Mymail-Crypt for Gmail™


150 оценок

РасширениеСоциальные сети6 000 пользователей
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Extension implementing GPG into Webmail (Gmail™) using the OpenPGP.js library. This project is no way affiliated with Google™.

Mymail-Crypt for Gmail™ aims to make OpenPGP encryption available and used by anyone. This project is in no way affiliated with Google™. ***If you are having trouble with this extension, particularly in regards to key imports/working with other clients, please reach out to me. To get started *Install this Extension *Tools -> Extensions -> under Mymail-Crypt click the options page *Read over the help, import or generate a key as is necessary *Give your public key to your friends, import theirs into the options page *In Gmail™ simply click encrypt to encrypt a mail you're writing *In Gmail™ simply click the decrypt to read a mail from a friend. Mymail-Crypt acts as a layer on top of your Gmail™ experience that allows you to seamlessly encrypt and decrypt messages. For more information please visit The project is powered by OpenPGP.js. OpenPGP.js aims to fully implement the RFC 4880 OpenPGP standard. This project is still a work in progress, but supports a variety of key importation/generation abilities to encrypt and decrypt messages. Please see for details on this project.

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    8 марта 2019 г.
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  • Языки
    English (United States)
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