Clean Rainbow Dash New Tab
12 Bewertungen
Replaces the default New Tab page with a clean one for the Rainbow Dash Theme. Background by episkopi.
NOTE: Designed to work with the following theme: This simple extension replaces your New Tab page with a completely CLEAN one. This means it will remove all of the clutter like recently visited, Google search, Google doodles, account options, notifications, etc from the page. This will allow you to load the New Tab page much quicker. In addition, as mentioned above, it is made to work seamlessly with my original Rainbow Dash theme. The awesome background was made by episcopi, but unfortunately, his account has been deactivated at this time, so I am unable to provide a link to his deviantArt.
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- Version1.0.0
- Aktualisiert9. Oktober 2015
- Angeboten vonThorinair
- Größe621KiB
- SprachenEnglish
- Kein HändlerDieser Entwickler hat sich nicht als Händler deklariert. Für Verbraucher in der Europäischen Union gelten die Verbraucherrechte nicht für Verträge, die zwischen dir und diesem Entwickler geschlossen werden.