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Jasmyn Irvine

Jul 6, 2022

Response Data field not indicating that task is queued

Hi I am following the same process as previously done and the response data field is not updating to indicate that my task is queued. Is there something wrong with my profile?

Maximal Myronovich

Sep 25, 2021


really great extention but Id like to see option to send bulk of links and save responses into text file


Mar 12, 2021

request failed - is there a timeout threshold?

Hi! I'm testing a GET call that takes longer than a minute to execute, and I always get "request failed" and a number like "60024" next to it in JaSON. With other tools like curl, however, I can get the response. Is there a some kind of a timeout? If so, how can I change it? Thanks!

Bascamao Quintana

May 30, 2020

Request header too small for tokens


I have tried to prove a restful service where a token is required in the header. But it is impossible fill the Authorization header because the size of the "Request headers"
The field is like

Authorization: Bearer + <token o 1432 characters>

But the "Request headers" only allows -> Authorization: Bearer + <token of 979 characters>

My version is v5.0.3

Thanks in advanced.

A Chrome Web Store user

Sep 4, 2018

Add a 'send request twice' button

So many times you're testing concurrency and how your app behaves with concurrent requests. I think this would be a game changer ;-)

Alejandra Samayoa

Jul 19, 2018

no abre

como se puede abrir no se como

Potassium OH

Apr 19, 2018

ฺBug format

if end of line in response box is comma(,) your program will cut it out

A Chrome Web Store user

Jan 26, 2017

Unable to send GET request with "Form encoded" option

Please help me, I'm unable to send a GET request with "Form encoded" option, when I choose the textarea doesnt enables, and even if I fill the text area and then switch from post to get, the data isn't send.

Cynthia Delpriore

Nov 13, 2016

Problem with a fake profile

It has been brought to my knowlege that someone has created a false facebook profile of me that has sexually explicit pictures of a woman who is not me but implies its me and the person responsible has used your code to not only write the program that displays this false profile but has completely taken over my system by shadowing it using your coding. The problem is I have no way of finding out everything that has been put online about me that is sexual in content but a whole lot of other people have. I can't even find out who the person is that has done this horrible thing to me. I'm not a programmer but I've learned some thing and the DOM is totally messed up because all the tabs have been shrunk so small they can barely be seen and will not let me change them back to normal. I need to break this person's programming and find out who is it is but I don't know how. Can you please help me. My friends on facebook seem to just keep accepting everyone and its pretty much all men and also in messenger. Men are contacting me 24/7 via facebook chat or messenger video chat expecting me to do sexual things live on camera for them while they are literally showing me they are masterbating. I don't do that kind of stuff ever and have never given anyone the impression that I do. Someone has done this to me and now its gotten to the point of harrassment. Can you please help me? I don't know how to take those pictures down or delete the false profile and god knows where else these pictures are showing up basically selling me like I'm a cyber prostitute. Please if you can tell me how to get in and delete all of the coding used that has created this mess, I really need your help. I'm ready to turn my system over to the authorities and let them take over.

Dan Desjardins

Sep 9, 2016

What happened to history?

I used to have a history of calls on the right side of the application that appears to be gone now. Is history available somewhere else in the app (I cannot find it)?

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