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Japanese Translate & Dictionary Mazii じしょ日本語

271 ratings

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77 support issues

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Ramadhani whitehacker

Dec 17, 2024

some kanji translate is can't find in this pop up extension

when i try translate some kanji in with this pop up extension, i can't find exact meaning in pop up extension version. but when i try to check full explenation the exact defintion is available in mazii webpage. are this pop up extension not updated ?

by the way the kanji that i mean is "刺され" and translation that pop up is "虫刺されむしさされ"
wich mean "insect bite, bug bite, sting". one of translation is correct, but not the other 2. as user it quite confusing when there is multiple meaning but there is not the one that i looking for. u know some kanji can have diffrent meaning if combined with another kanji. so when i just need to translate 1 kanji but the result come with combination, it will make user hard to understand the correct translation, or which one is the correct deffintion for this one ?

Marco Willems

Nov 6, 2024

Trigger key not taken into account

The only thing enabled in my settings is "Display pop-up when I select a word or phrase", with the Trigger key set to "ctrl", however it ALWAYS shows the pop-up whenever I select something, even without pressing or holding ctrl (it used to only do this while holding ctrl).

Phạm Quang Trung

Oct 29, 2024

Popups don't work in Chrome

Error, Can't translate popup from English to Vietnamese. Hope to fix it soon

Yulia Zhukova

Feb 27, 2023

Popups don't work in Chrome

Weirdly enough, both double click and double Ctrl work in the Brave browser (which is basically Chromes) but don't work in Chrome porper.


Jan 30, 2023

Can't translate popup into English anymore

Error, Can't translate popup into English anymore. Vietnamese, Chinese, and French can still be translated, except for only English. This Error lasted 2 months. hope to fix it soon

Christian D

Nov 14, 2022

Translate to English please

This defaults to translating Japenese into Thai. How do I change the default settings?

Giáo Sư Đạt

Sep 5, 2022

dùng wed trên máy tính

khi làm đề thi thử thì không thể lưu quá trình đang làm bài, thoát ra vào lại thì phải làm lại từ đầu, thất vọng một chút


Feb 27, 2022

It doesn't translate.

No matter what setting I try in the extension program, it doesn't work when I double-click. Also, no matter how much I press the extension icon, enter the content, and press the translation button, it doesn't work. Press Ctrl+Shift+M to display Chrome's profile setting. This is right?


Jan 12, 2022

Lỗi không dịch được thành tiếng Anh pop-up

12-01-2022, lỗi ghi nhận đang sảy ra được 2 ngày. Tôi không thể dịch tiếng Nhật thành tiếng Anh, điều này sảy ra với cả khi nhấn vào tiện ích trên thanh công cụ và cả dịch nhanh bằng pop-up, có vẻ lỗi này chỉ sảy ra duy nhất với tiếng Anh. Nếu thay đổi setting thành tiếng Việt, pop-up vẫn hiện ra và dịch thành tiếng Việt như bình thường (điều này cũng áp dụng cho tiếng Thái, tiếng Nga, tiếng Pháp). Mong nhà phát triển sớm khắc phục.


Oct 26, 2021

Click on Mazii icon, translate from clipboard or focus immediately the cursor into input textbox

Click on Mazii icon, translate from clipboard or focus immediately the cursor into input textbox

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