Jade's Times Table Tool - Chrome Web Store
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Jade's Times Table Tool

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Features of Jade’s TT Tool: 🗸 Easy changed colour scheme. Choose from five different colour schemes, identical to the original.…

Features of Jade’s TT Tool: 🗸 Easy changed colour scheme. Choose from five different colour schemes, identical to the original. One big difference here is that the children are able to choose the colour schemes before they start the test. There is no need to “assign” anything or have a database of any kind. It’s quick, easy and accurate. 🗸 Countdown for six seconds per question. The original test uses a numeric count down, from 6 to 0. We have chosen a more visual method of counting down to not distract from the questions given. The same amount of time is 🗸 Complete GDPR coverage. Children enter their name at the start of the test, this information never leaves your computer and is only used to name the spreadsheet which is downloaded at the end of the test. The only information on our servers is the database required to log in to access the app. If you lose your internet connection, the app will still work. 🗸 Alterable Number Pad The Government can be fickle and early versions of the official test were not clear how the number pad would be laid out. Just in case they decided to change the layout to a more traditional calculator layout, we’ve got it covered. The number pad has two different layout options to ensure Jade’s TT Tool can be used for years to come. 🗸 Ending Screen. It’s the small things which can through children, our ending screen includes the exact same message as the Government’s. Once the small results file has downloaded to your computer, you are safe to close the website without losing any information on how the child performed. How much does it cost and how do I give children access? Jade’s TT Tool costs £20 per year for each school. Children log in using the log in page or using the sidebar. Then go to Jade’s TT Tool. They can do this from home and school.

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    15 kwietnia 2019
  • Funkcje
    Zawiera zakupy w aplikacji
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    Języki: 45
  • Deweloper
  • Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
    Ten deweloper nie określił, że jest przedsiębiorcą. Pamiętaj, że prawa konsumentów nie obowiązują w przypadku umów zawartych między tym deweloperem a konsumentami z Unii Europejskiej.


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