14 vurderinger
J-TEK is dedicated to providing our clients with the necessary technological products and services needed to succeed in today’s…
J-TEK is dedicated to providing our clients with the necessary technological products and services needed to succeed in today’s world. J-TEK was founded on the vision of making technology support affordable, helpful and reliable. J-TEK’s vision is to make technology easier, that is why our motto is “today’s technology … simplified.” Our clients believe that we do a great job of simplifying today’s technical jargon and making technology easier to understand. J-TEK continues to be a leader in knowledge and experience with cutting-edge technology in the home and small business environment, making us your first choice to call when you have a problem.
- Versjon0.2
- Oppdatert10. februar 2016
- Levert avJ-TEK, LLC
- Størrelse407KiB
- Språk45 språk
- Ikke-ervervsdrivendeDenne utvikleren har ikke identifisert seg selv som næringsdrivende. For forbrukere i EU gjelder ikke forbrukerrettighetene for kontrakter som er gjort mellom deg og denne utvikleren.