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Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 4
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Miniatura do vídeo do item
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 3
Captura de tela da mídia 4

Visão geral

Integrated VTT for D&DBeyond

Integrated VTT for D&DBeyond Turn your dndBeyond (DDB) campaign page into a VTT with AboveVTT - d&d made easy. AboveVTT is a all-in-1 chrome extension that allows you and your friends to turn your DDB Campaign page into a VTT session in seconds. No sign up, no fees, just your DDB account (free) and you are ready to go, With your DDB character sheet, 1 click maps, 1 click tokens (monsters & PCs), easy fog of war and more! Key features, advantages and DDB integrations: ⚡️ Use your DDB character sheet from the web or DDB app! HP, dice rolls, conditions & send spells, abilities, and even monster art directly to chat. ⚡️ Monsters, more monsters and even more monsters - 1-Click DBB monster tokens (Art,HP,AC) with clickable stat blocks (Hit, Dis/Adv, Crit) Including homebrew monsters. - Open5e monster stat blocks with clickable stat blocks - Customer monster stat blocks ⚡️Maps, more maps and even more maps - 1-Click official DDB maps (pre-grided by our discord community) including all player & DM versions from your purchased DDB modules. - 1-Click 500+ battle maps supplied by Neutral Party, Dice Grimorium and hundreds of animated VIDEO maps. - Import UVTT files with official DungeonAlchemist map integration - Community produced module scenes with pre-populated tokens ⚡️Prepare like a pro DM! - Access your own material from anywhere that you can share via a URL (One Drive/Google Drive etc) - Grid Wizard - standard grid and hex grid maps - Dynamic light and vision for tokens using walls, windows and doors. - All tokens can have persistent, custom images assigned to make your game your own - Create and manage scenes with Cloud-persisted folders - Fog of War - Dynamic text creation and drawing - In-app import chapters from the DDB books you own for easy accessibility of material - Create notes on tokens that you can make available for players to see/access. - Fine-grained permissions to allow players access to multiple tokens and effects. ⚡️Camera, Action! - Projector mode for live streamers to showcase player view to their audience - Use DDB dice, RPG Dice Roller or standard notation - In-built sound player - Pause the action at any time with a single key press - Hot Keys available for common actions ⚡️Comprehensive community managed support and thriving Discord channel

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  • Versão
  • Atualização
    27 de fevereiro de 2025
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