Transpose ▲▼ pitch ▹ speed ▹ loop for videos
Transpose ▲▼ pitch ▹ speed ▹ loop for videos의 상품 로고 이미지

Transpose ▲▼ pitch ▹ speed ▹ loop for videos

평점 632개

확장 프로그램도구700,000 사용자
항목 미디어 4 스크린샷
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항목 미디어 4 스크린샷
항목 미디어 5 스크린샷


Pitch shifter, speed changer and looper for online videos like YouTube. Musician's toolbox for practicing and rehearsing.

✓ Real time audio processing ✓ High quality audio pitch & transpose ✓ Control the playback speed ✓ Loop between time markers ✓ Jump directly to a time marker ✓ Supports all online audio, including Spotify web player ✓ Remember settings for each video ✓ History list ✓ Keyboard shortcuts ✓ Progress & navigation bar ✓ Pitch shift mp3 and other local files ✓ Dark theme ✓ Unlimited Loops ✓ No browser permissions required for Youtube Do you ever play along with a YouTube video to practice a song or learn from a music tutorial lesson? When you need to master a song in a different key you can use this tool to pitch shift the audio, repeat a section in a loop or slow down the video to get a hang of it quicker. Go to a video site like Youtube or Vimeo, select a music video, and open the extension to get started. Do you want to pitch shift an mp3 file? This could be a faster way! 💁 Note: • refresh the page if it doesn't work the first time • works on Youtube, Vimeo, but some other sites may block usage. -------------------------------------------------- Browser Permissions By default, no permissions are needed. For specific sites, like, or embedded Youtube video's optional permissions can be needed. For a detailed description of usage see: --------------------------------------------------- • Tonhöhe und Geschwindigkeit ändern • Cambiar el tono y la velocidad • Changez le pitch et la vitesse

5점 만점에 4.5점평점 632개

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