InstantView for YouTube™ - Chrome Web Store
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InstantView for YouTube™


65 Bewertungen

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Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot


Ermöglicht das Öffnen von YouTube-Videos in einem Popup-Fenster (ohne Seitenwechsel)

Makes browsing YouTube quicker by opening videos in a popup when their thumbnails are clicked. InstantView also helps reduce the amount of YouTube tabs opened at a given time by allowing you to watch videos on the current page without the fear of losing your place. Features • Popup to quickly view videos, playlists, comments, and descriptions • Mini player (picture in picture) • Visualizations • Many different options to customize look and behavior If you find any bugs, let me know and I'll fix them as soon as I can :) * Requires Chrome 64+ * * Google translate was used for translation. Please email or create a new support issue for any corrections that should be made! * * If you would like another language added, either create a feature request or email me and I will add it as soon as I can * PERMISSIONS • Read and change your data on: and • to retrieve information about the video for the popup (title, channel, likes, dislikes, etc..) • so the popup can open on youtube • Storage • Save user preferences • Identity (optional) • Used to subscribe to channels and rate videos YOUTUBE CONCEPT DESIGN BY: aureliensalomon CHANGELOG v4.5.0 FEATURES - Added an option to show the video upload date above or below the views - You can now add keyboard shortcuts for play/pause, next/previous and stop - Added an option to make the mini player open by default - Added an option to show the visualizers over the video (overlay) - Added options to change visualizer opacity, and backdrop color and opacity - Added a visualizer for the Holidays! - The last visualizer used is remembered and used by default FIXES - Modal no longer gets stuck if esc is pressed while the mini player is being dragged v4.4.0 - Subscribe to channels and rate videos in the popup! - Language support - Chinese (Simplified) - Chinese (Traditional) - Vietnamese - Korean - German - Spanish - Russian - Italian - French - New design with 2 new themes (revised dark theme and Halloween theme) - Default text size is now greatly reduced. Compact view option is no longer included - Playlists are now loaded into the popup correctly (button on top left of the video to browse playlist) - The mini player is now draggable (resets on page refresh), and also has separate buttons for going back to the popup and closing it - Comments - Author is now a clickable link to their channel - Comments from the video uploader are now highlighted (fake channels with the same name are not highlighted) - A few new options for customizing the look of comments - Tab title is now changed to the title of the video while the popup is opened - Visualizations - Halloween visualizer - "Cave" visualizer v4.3.0 - Added a close button on the top right of the mini player - Redesigned options page - Added an option for visualizer animation speed - Should be lowered on monitors with higher refresh rates (120, 144, 165, 240) - Only affects Iverjo and Plaid - Fixed problem with video playing while the popup was closed - If a video starts playing while the popup is closed, the visualizers may stop working. As a workaround, refreshing the page fixes it. - Fixed videos on not opening in the popup - Added a new visualizer: "Dzozef" (

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    10. Februar 2022
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    10 Sprachen
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