Insta Auto Follow-Unfollow - Spletna trgovina Chrome
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Insta Auto Follow-Unfollow


295 ocen

RazširitevDružabna omrežja3.000 uporabniki
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 5
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 6
Sličica videoposnetka elementa
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 2
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 3
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 4
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 5
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 6
Sličica videoposnetka elementa
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 2
Sličica videoposnetka elementa
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 2
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 3
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 4
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 5
Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 6


Get real and organic followers with our growth service, effortlessly.

Followers Pro for Instagram is more than a regular auto follow extension. It also unfollows accounts you followed before, so your following number stays reasonable. Get more Instagram followers automatically. Grow your account, expand your reach, build your brand and get more leads — organically. 👨🏻‍💻 Features ✓ Follow/Unfollow Process in the background ✓ You can follow the user's followers and following automatically ✓ You can follow the users who have commented or liked on a post automatically ✓ You have the option to not follow private users ✓ You have options to Unfollow users: ✓ Users who don't follow you back(followed by this tool). It remembers the mass followed users. So you can later mass unfollow those only. ✓ Users who don't follow you back ✓ Users who you are following 📌 Strategies to Prevent Being Limited - For every 6 users followed/unfollowed, take a 10 minutes cooldown period - You can customize the number of people and the number of minutes for cooldown in the settings. 🩹 Intelligent error handling - If a request error occurs, pause for 30 minutes before retrying - You can customize the number of minutes for pause in the settings 🟢 represents the user-defined time interval being used 🟠 represents the cooldown time interval plus the user-defined time interval being used 🔴 represents the pause time interval being used 📃 How to Start Following the User’s Followers and Following? - Enter the Instagram username or open the extension on the Instagram user’s profile, and the extension will automatically fill in the username - Select which List to Follow: Followers or Following - Click the Start Following Button 📃 How to Start Following the Users Who Have Commented or Liked the Post? - Paste the link of the post or open the post first and then launch the extension, the extension will automatically fill in the link of the post - Select which List to Follow: Comments or Likes - Click the Start Following Button 📃 How to Start Unfollowing? - Switch to the third tab - Choose the type of unfollowing - Click the Start Unfollowing button ⚠️ Attention The tool automatically follows or unfollows 144 users per day (6 users per hour). Unfortunately, Instagram has limits, and these limits vary from account to account. For this reason, we limit the processing time and the number of follows and unfollows. We recommend using the extension sparingly to ensure its continuous functionality. 📬 Contact If you have any questions or suggestions to improve the extension, please feel free to contact us at 🔒 Data Privacy All the data you process stays on your local computer and never goes through our servers. ℹ️ Statement INSTAGRAM is a trademark of Instagram, LLC. Followers Pro is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or otherwise related to INSTAGRAM, Inc. or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

4,9 od 5295 ocen

Google ne preverja mnenj. Preberite več o rezultatih in mnenjih.


  • Različica
  • Posodobljeno
    4. julij 2024
  • Funkcije
    Ponuja nakupe v aplikaciji
  • Ponudnik
    Yue Apps
  • Velikost
  • Jeziki
    Št. jezikov: 54
  • Razvijalec
  • Nisem posrednik
    Ta izdajatelj se ni opredelil kot posrednik. Potrošniki v Evropski uniji morate upoštevati, da potrošniške pravice za pogodbe, sklenjene med vami in tem razvijalcem, ne veljajo.


Razvijalec je razkril, da vaših podatkov ne bo zbiral ali uporabljal. Če želite izvedeti več, si oglejte pravilnik o zasebnosti razvijalca.

Ta razvijalec glede vaših podatkov izjavlja naslednje:

  • Zunaj okvirov dovoljenih primerov uporabe se ne prodajajo tretjim osebam.
  • Ne uporabljajo ali prenašajo se za namene, ki niso povezani s temeljno funkcijo izdelka.
  • Ne uporabljajo ali prenašajo se zaradi ugotavljanja kreditne sposobnosti ali zaradi namenov posojanja denarja.


Če potrebujete pomoč pri vprašanjih, predlogih ali težavah, obiščite spletno mesto za podporo razvijalca.

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