Insta Downloader - Insta Summary - Chrome Web Store
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Insta Downloader - Insta Summary

37 rating

EkstensiAlur Kerja & Perencanaan10.000 pengguna
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A convenient mobile interface is available as an option. The app downloads stories, videos and photos from the Instagram website.

This Extension can help you download videos,reels and pictures on Instagram, so that you can save your favorite videos and pictures anytime and anywhere.In addition,you can also get the summary of the IG videos, save time and learn quicker. ❤️ Features: ● Easy to use: Save videos,reels and pictures from IG with one click. ● Powerful functions:Download the highest definition pictures and video resources to your machine, so that you have the best viewing experience. ● Get the summaries of insta videos without watching the videos. ● Super Safe: We only provide you with convenient and efficient download functions, you can rest assured to save any videos and pictures.Quickly understand the content of the IG videos. How to use: ● Just go to Instagram website. ● Find the Video,Reels or Picture you want to save. ● Click the download button to save video or image. ● Your favorite pictures and videos are automatically downloaded to your computer. ● Click the View AI Summary Icon, If you already logged in, we will get the video summary. Q&A Q1:What is ChatGPT? A1:ChatGPT is an OpenAI-developed language model that utilizes a large pre-trained Transformer-based neural network to generate human-like text in response to user prompts. With its diverse range of training on internet text, ChatGPT can provide responses on various topics, such as general knowledge, conversations, and creative writing. Q2:What is Instagram video summary? A2:It is a summary generator to write overview of the content in a video. The summary tries to provide a quick way to understand the video's topic and important information. Q3:Why i choose this videos downloader? A3:If you are looking for an Extension that can download Instagram reels videos conveniently and efficiently, This Extension must be your best choice. This ig downloader can download all the videos or pictures you are interested in, and you can review these videos at any time . Or you can download some videos to kill the boredom and protect you from network fluctuations or outages. Q4:Is this extension free? A4:Although our extension is currently free, we are exploring the possibility of introducing a small paywall to sustain the service in the future. By upgrading to the paid service, you will enjoy faster response times, unrestricted access, and high-priority customer support. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with the best possible service in a way that is affordable and accessible to everyone. Q5:Do I need to create a ChatGPT/OpenAI account to use this extension? A5:Yes, you must have a ChatGPT account to use this extension. You can create a free account at

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    26 Januari 2024
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    54 bahasa
  • Developer
    Situs Web
  • Non-pedagang
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