iMacros for Chrome - Chrome Web Store
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iMacros for Chrome


2,3 rb rating

EkstensiAlur Kerja & Perencanaan400.000 pengguna
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Automate your web browser. Record and replay repetitious work

Version 10.1.1 is a branding update ⚑ iMacros is part of the Progress Software Corporation product portfolio ( iMacros is designed to automate the most repetitious tasks on the web. If there’s an activity you have to do repeatedly, just record it in iMacros. The next time you need to do it, the entire macro will run at the click of a button! With iMacros, you can quickly and easily fill out web forms, remember passwords, create a web mail notifier, and more. You can keep the macros on your computer for your own use, use them within bookmark sync, or share them with others by embedding them on your homepage, blog, company intranet or any social bookmarking service. The uses are limited only by your imagination! Popular uses are as web macro recorder, form filler on steroids and highly-secure password manager (256-bit encryption). Web developers use iMacros for web regression testing, performance testing and web transaction monitoring. It can also be combined with Google Speed Tracer, Firebug and other web development and test tools. XPath and CSS selector support is included. iMacros can be combined with Greasemonkey style content scripts and the macros can be started via the command line e. g. via the Windows task scheduler, batch files or a Linux cron job. You can combine iMacros with popular ad-blocking extensions to further speed up your web automation tasks. Macros recorded with iMacros for Chrome are compatible with other versions of iMacros. All iMacros versions combined have millions of active users, making it the most popular web browser automation tool. For more information please visit: If you encounter any problems with iMacros for Chrome, please let us know in our Chrome user forum: Our forum is also the best place for new feature suggestions.

3,4 dari 52,3 rb rating

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Foto profil pengulas

Landing Spot (Landingspot)12 Jun 2024

Kami menawarkan Jasa Sebar Brosur Online Di Google terbaik SEO LBO Ala Piranhamas, kunjungi Distribusi brosur digital, Pemasaran brosur internet, Kampanye brosur digital, Penyebaran brosur online, Marketing brosur online, Distribusi brosur secara online, Penyebaran brosur digital efektif, Layanan marketing brosur digital Mau Iklan Kamu 'Mendominasi' di Halaman Google? BIARKAN IKLAN BEKERJA, KAMU BISA REBAHAN DAN TERIMA ORD... Tampilkan lebih banyak

Foto profil pengulas

Nasrul Aziz12 Mar 2021

Bagus Banget.... Makasih :3

Foto profil pengulas

Scraper Rahmat3 Nov 2020

ngasih bintang dua karna tidak berfungsi sebagaimana seharusnya, kadang erroooor dan kadang berfungsi


  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    3 Desember 2023
  • Ditawarkan oleh
    iMacros (A Progress Software Product)
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
  • Developer
    Progress Software Corporation
    15 Wayside Road, Suite 400 Burlington, MA 01803 US
  • Pedagang
    Developer ini telah mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang berdasarkan definisi dari Uni Eropa.


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