Domino Effect
93 оценки
Use timing, skill, and ingenuity to create a chain of events to knock down the Gold Domino.
This includes 16 levels. The objective of Domino Effect is to build a path from the cue domino to knock down the gold domino. You achieve the best score by using the least amount of dominoes to construct a path. The levels begin easy and progressively become harder so that even Einstein would have trouble solving them... Technical Details and Updates: v.1.55.8 - Updated Game support Page. v.1.55.7 - Fixed Level 14 bug that prevented you from completing the level. v.1.55.6 - Fixed Level 9 bug... sorry about that. Resolution changed to 16:9 press F11 to game in full screen. v.1.55.3 - "Level 16, Added." v.1.55.0 "Level 14,15 Added. New Physics engine,WebGL,Saving and Loading. Easymode and Legacy Score system removed for now =(. v.1.54.1-6 "Level 12,13 Added. New audio effects. Level 'Fun' added to demo, allows you to play around with the dominoes and build something. 'Easy Mode' added. Removed some confusing help elements." v.1.54.0 "Level 11 added to demo. Update to Graphics and Physics." v.1.53.9 "Support for Touch Screen Devices." v.1.53.7 "Level 10 added to demo. Update to Physics Engine." v.1.53.6 "Bug Fix for game not loading" - sorry about that, wont happen again. v.1.53 "Master Achievements" added. v.1.52 "Levels 7, 8, 9 added to demo." Chrome will auto update this game. To force Chrome to update to latest version: Go to Tools > Extensions > Check "Developer Mode" > Click "Update extensions now".
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- Версия1.55.8
- Обновлено8 марта 2019 г.
- Автор:Darren
- Размер2.47MiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish (United States)
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