Black Myth Wukong NewTab
1 betyg
A mythical world deeply inspired by ancient Chinese folklore, where legendary creatures, demons, and celestial beings coexist.
Inspired by the newly released game "Black Myth: Wukong," this extension gives your browser a completely fresh look, bringing you closer to the legendary world of the game. Every detail, from abandoned villages and ancient temples to dense forests and towering mountains, is meticulously recreated within your browser, making you feel as if you are directly exploring the mysterious and mystical world of "Black Myth: Wukong." The game's dark and intricate graphics now appear on every new tab, offering users an immersive, mythic experience. Key features: - Beautiful background. - Quick access to frequently visited sites. - Customizable search bar and shortcuts. - Timer and Calculator Features - New RSS
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- Version1.0
- Uppdaterat23 september 2024
- Storlek3.62MiB
- SpråkEnglish
- Utvecklare
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