Final Crisis: изображение логотипа

Final Crisis


5 оценок

Тема6 пользователей
Скриншот: 2
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 2
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 2


Cover art by Alex Ross from DC's Final Crisis.

This free theme is optimized for 1600x900, but looks great on larger monitors as well. Search NOSACRIFICE in the search bar to locate the best DC Chrome Themes on the web. I gladly take your request at no charge, and only ask that you leave a rating if you decide you like the theme enough to use it. I will create custom themes at your request time permitting. I can be reached through my gmail account. IMPORTANT Artists Please Read: Many of these images are pulled from the web. If I have violated your rights, or you simply do not wish your art to be used, please contact me and it will be removed immediately. Wherever possible, credit to the artist will be given.

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    12 февраля 2016 г.
  • Автор:
  • Размер
  • Языки
  • Разработчик
    Peter D. Gutierrez
    30403 Walker Rd N Walker 70785 United States
    Электронная почта
  • Не продавец
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