IGDown - Reels & Audio downloader - ‏سوق Chrome الإلكتروني
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IGDown - Reels & Audio downloader

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نظرة عامة

IGDown is a tool to download Instagram Reels and Audio videos, download background music from Instagram Reels easily and quickly.

IGDown: Your Go-To Tool for Downloading Instagram Reels and Audio Unlock the ease of saving Instagram Reels and Audio with IGDown, an efficient and user-friendly extension designed to help you download your favorite content effortlessly.With IGDown, hosting high-quality Instagram videos and background music is just a click away, and best of all, it's fast and free! Key Features: Superior Quality Downloads: Save Instagram Reels in their highest resolution. One-click simplicity: Easily download any Reels and Audio with just the push of a button. How to Quickly Download Instagram Reels with IGDown: 1. Install the IGDown Extension: Add IGDown to your Chrome browser from the Chrome Web Store. 2. Open Instagram Reels: Navigate to the Instagram Reel or Audio that you wish to download. 3. Click the Download Icon: Tap the IGDown download button to start downloading the content. 4. Choose Your Storage Location: Select the folder where you want to save the downloaded video or audio file. Important Note: After adding the IGDown extension, make sure to reload the Instagram tab where you want to download content. This step ensures the extension can properly detect and process the video or audio file! We are always eager to improve and optimize your experience with IGDown. Please share your feedback and suggestions with us. For any problems or enhancement ideas, feel free to reach out. Your input is invaluable to us! Start using IGDown today and enjoy seamless, high-quality downloads of your favorite Instagram Reels and Audio!

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أفصَح المطوِّر عن أنّه لن يتم جمع بياناتك أو استخدامها. لمزيد من المعلومات، يمكنك الاطّلاع على سياسة الخصوصية لدى المطوِّر.

يُقِرّ هذا المطوِّر بأنّ بياناتك:

  • لا يتم بيعها لأطراف ثالثة خارج إطار حالات الاستخدام المُتفَق عليها.
  • لا تُستخدَم أو تُنقَل لأغراض غير متعلِّقة بالوظيفة الرئيسية للعنصر.
  • لا تُستخدَم أو تُنقَل لتحديد الأهلية الائتمانية أو لأغراض الإعارة.


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