Instagram Scraper - Instagram Followers Scrape - Chrome веб-продавница
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Instagram Scraper - Instagram Followers Scrape

1 оцена

ДодатакАлатке741 корисници
Медијска ставка 3 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 2 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 3 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 2 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 3 снимак екрана


Instagram Followers Scraper to scrape Instagram follower data to local.

The IG Exporter is a tool designed to extract followers from Instagram profiles to Excel or CSV files. Automatically scrape user profile from Instagram. Features: ● Export followers or following ● Capability to export up to 50,000 followers ● Formats include CSV and Excel with appropriate column structures ● Ability to handle IG rate limit errors (see details below) Exported Columns: ● ID (numeric Instagram ID) ● User name ● Full name ● Profile picture URL ● Verification status of IG profile How to Use: ● Open the extension’s popup by clicking the puzzle button in the right section of the toolbar. ● Locate the Followers Exporter icon and click on it. ● Select the “Export Instagram data” option. ● The export tool interface will appear. ● Specify the IG username or URL. ● Click the “Start” button and follow the instructions within the app. Rate Limit Information: ● IG enforces a rate limit on the number of requests, which is not publicly disclosed and varies based on your IP address. How Followers Exporter Manages Rate Limits: ● If a rate limit error occurs during the export of a large follower list, the app enters "Cooldown" mode, displaying the remaining time. ● If the error persists, the cooldown period doubles. ● Once the cooldown period ends, and the subsequent request is successful, the app returns to Normal mode. About Pro: Please note that Followers Exporter operates on a freemium model. You can export up to 550 followers for free. To export more, consider upgrading by creating an account or logging in with your Google account.

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