Invert the luminance of a website to make it easier on the eyes.
## What's new in 1.0.1? ## * Fix bug where everything breaks on the upgrade for some users with old settings. ## What's new in 1.0.0? ## * Update to Manifest V3 as required by Google * Add cloud sync for settings * Introduce dark mode autodetection * Configure different inversion modes based on URL path * Fix flashing scrollbar issue * Many assorted tweaks to smart invert mode * Cosmetic updates Invert the brightness of the web without changing the colors! Useful as a night mode to darken most bright web sites (like Google), or just for making the web soothing black instead of glaring white. Similar to the "High Contrast" or "Hacker Vision" extensions, but tries not to ruin images by blowing out the contrast or changing the colors. Warning: because of the way this extension inverts the luminance of rendered pages, it may cause noticeable slowdowns for some users. If this happens, you may prefer another extension that uses custom CSS to set the default background and text color of web pages.
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- Версія1.0.1
- Оновлено23 серпня 2024 р.
- Розробник:abstiles
- Розмір35.93KiB
- МовиEnglish (United States)
- Розробник
Електронна пошта
abstiles@deluminate.net - Не продавецьЦей розробник не ідентифікував себе як продавець. Зверніть увагу, що права споживачів у Європейському Союзі не поширюються на контракти з цим розробником.
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