IEability - Open in IE - Chrome Web Store
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IEability - Open in IE

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IEability, run Internet Explorer in Chrome, use IE Tab mode to display your web pages, and seamlessly switch between IE and Chrome

IEability is an excellent Chrome extension designed to facilitate seamless integration with Internet Explorer (IE), allowing you to consolidate your browsing experience within a single browser. By leveraging the IE rendering engine, IEability mimics the functionality of Internet Explorer within the Chrome environment, enabling you to open web pages in IE tab mode as effortlessly as you would in a Chrome tab. Distinguished as one of the most popular and robust IE emulators, IEability supports various browsing modes, including IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, and IE11. **Key Features:** 1. **Automatic Ruels:** Once automatic rules are configured in IEability, when the accessed URL matches these rules, it will automatically switch to IE mode. 2. **Automatic Cookie Synchronization:** Ensures a smooth transition between Chrome and IE modes, preventing the need for repeated logins. 3. **Legacy Website Support:** Maintains compatibility with older versions such as IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, and IE11, enabling seamless access to outdated websites. 4. **Compatibility with Sharepoint, ActiveX, Silverlight:** Run these technologies seamlessly and transparently within Chrome, eliminating the need to switch btween browsers. 5. **Developer Tools Support:** Access native IE developer tools to debug scripts directly within the Chrome environment. 6.**Seamless Switching:** Despite being in ietab mode, you can hardly perceive the presence of IEability; it integrates seamlessly with Chrome. Please be aware that IEability for Windows necessitates the use of a separate executable file, ieability.exe. Further details can be found in the FAQ section below. -- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS -- 1. Why do I have to install ieability.exe? IEability uses the Internet Explorer rendering engine. This rendering engine cannot be accessed directly from the Chrome extension, so we need a helper to talk between the Chrome extension and the rendering engine. 2. Is the ieability.exe safe? Absolutely safe! IEability has always used native code, and we have always attached great importance to user security. The software package has passed security certification. You can rest assured that this helper executable file is safe and reliable. virustotal scan result defails: 3. Is the ieability extra program always required? Yes. Starting with Chrome 43, Chrome no longer supports the NPAPI, so we were forced to implement a new solution that required a separate helper executable that communicates with Chrome and implements all the features of Internet Explorer, more information: 4. What is the installation location of ieability.exe? c:\Users\(your computer name)\AppData\Local\ieability\ieability.exe 5. Why you need a license code? Basic features are free, if you need to unlock advanced features you need to purchase a license The Privacy Policy for the IEability extension can be found here:

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    4. Juli 2024
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