Sniper Gun Shooting Game의 상품 로고 이미지

Sniper Gun Shooting Game

평점 60개

확장 프로그램게임100,000 사용자
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 3 스크린샷
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 3 스크린샷
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷
항목 미디어 3 스크린샷


저격 소총을 사용하면 눈치 채지 않고 모든 적을 제거해야합니다.

Get ready to defeat your enemies with a scoped weapon in the middle of the desert! Take your best shot and defeat all your enemies. Top sniper players start the game on the roof of a building. They destroy enemies far from the roof with a sniper rifle. As a good sniper assassin, you must go down from the roof to destroy the enemies in places that cannot be seen with binoculars. When you set foot on the ground, you must destroy all the enemies in this fps game before your enemies notice you. Since you have a small number of bullets, it will be the right choice for you to shoot a single shot while shooting. Among the sniper games, you can both move with your fps character and shoot from far distances in this game. If you like war games, it is possible to enjoy this sniper elite game more. How To Play You can move your fps game character around with the arrow keys. You can use the arrow keys to pass obstacles such as stairs. Using the right mouse button, you can open binoculars with the sniper rifle and shoot at your opponents. To make long-range shots, you can zoom in and out of the sniper's binoculars with the wheel in the middle of your mouse. Sniper Gun Shooting Game Features ✓ Realistic graphics ✓ 3D level designer ✓ Realistic particle ✓ Advance control Finally, you can enjoy these game for free (and more requests will be added)! Sniper Gun Shooting Game extension does not contain any hidden ads. Help and Contact Contact with us at and share your thoughts and problems.

5점 만점에 3.1점평점 60개

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  • 업데이트됨
    2023년 10월 6일
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    언어 44개
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