IBOOK BTEB - Chrome Web Store
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IBOOK reader for BTEB

IBOOK BTEB- This app lets you to read interactive books of Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB). This app is completely free. You can download epub text books from the app or open the already available books from your hard drive. It is designed specifically for BTEB students who can enhance their learning by reading these interactive books. The books contain lots of textual description, images and videos that will help the students to understand and comprehend the specific topics. Students who do not have the opportunity to perform various experiments or jobs firsthand due to lack of sufficient facilities in their labs, will be greatly benefited from this app. Most of the experiments were performed by renowned instructors of Technical board and the videos were captured and edited by professionals which ensured effective learning of the students.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    30. Oktober 2018
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    11 Sprachen
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