Screenleap: изображение логотипа



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All-in-one tool for sharing your screen and taking screenshots

ALL-IN-ONE TOOL The Screenleap extension allows you to easily share your screen and take screenshots all from one extension. SCREEN SHARE Easily share your screen to any web-enabled device. Your viewers don't need to install any software to view your screen. All they need to do is click on a link that you send them. SCREEN CAPTURE UTILITY Take a screenshot of any web page without leaving your browser. You can capture the whole browser window or a specific region. ★★★★★ Press ★★★★★ TechCrunch "Screenleap works great!" The Next Web "I'm a big fan of services on the web that don't require me to sign up or install any software. YC company Screenleap fits the bill on both of these things." CNET "Screenleap offers a super easy way to share your screen to any device, or look at someone else's shared screen." Lifehacker "Just when you thought there were plenty of free web services that allow you to easily share your desktop with others, new webapp Screenleap simplifies screen sharing even further."

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    19 июня 2020 г.
  • Размер
  • Языки
    English (United States)
  • Разработчик
    Screenleap, Inc.
    808 Bauer Dr San Carlos, CA 94070 US
    Электронная почта
    +1 415-999-3618
  • Продавец
    Этот разработчик заявил, что является продавцом согласно определению Европейского Союза.
  • D-U-N-S


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