Enjoy Music Player
1,6 tn betyg
With Enjoy Music Player, you can play local and online music easily.
Welcome to the Enjoy Music Player 5.0 Enjoy Music player 5.0 completely refactors the core code. Most of the components have been rewritten to make the app more flexible and performant. If you have problem please feel free to submit a support request. *Submit a support request: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/support/hncfgilfeieogcpghjnnhddghgdjbekl Feature *In the new version, Enjoy Music Player will auto update the songs list from the location you choose, when you new, deleted, renamed, or moved media files. 1、Brand new UI, rebuild and redesign 2、play local and online music 3、Google Drive integration, for streaming music directly from your Google Drive 4、Music Equalizer and fade in/out effect 5、Mini mode 6、Better performance ... Shortcuts: If your Chrome version >= 35 you can manually add shortcuts by open the URL chrome://extensions/configureCommands then choose Enjoy Music Player to set them. TINY FAQ: Enjoy Music Player access media audio files (read only) from your local disks. You may add or remove galleries using the media gallery permission dialog, after which the app will be able to read all the media files from galleries that you selected. You need to allow this app to access your Google Drive, after which the app will be able to query (read only) the audio files in your Google Drive. You can change this and other Account Permissions(https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions) at any time. The app won't remember your information, all online request will secure transfer via https. We have an experimental function to let you play music on chrome tab. So the app requires the sockets permission to exchange data on your local network.
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- Version5.1.1
- Uppdaterat17 februari 2023
- Erbjudandet kommer frånzhiguiChan
- Storlek301KiB
- Språk14 språk
- Utvecklare
czhigui@gmail.com - Icke-näringsidkareUtvecklaren har inte angett att den är näringsidkare. Konsumenter i EU bör tänka på att konsumenträttigheter inte gäller för avtal mellan dig och denna utvecklare.
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