CAPTCHA Çözücü: otomatik hCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA serbestçe için öğe logo resmi

CAPTCHA Çözücü: otomatik hCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA serbestçe
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258 puan

UzantıAraçlar50.000 kullanıcı
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Medya öğesi: 2 ekran görüntüsü

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herhangi bir sayfada AI kullanarak hCAPTCHA ve reCAPTCHA'yı çözün. Daha kolay veri toplamak için NoCoding Veri Kazıyıcı ile…

Automatically solve hCaptcha and reCAPTCHA using Deep Learning Features: . Solve unlimited hCaptcha . Solve unlimited reCAPTCHA . No interruptions throughout the surfing . Work together with web scraping add-on, NoCoding Data Scraper Chrome extension ( ) , seamlessly + More controls for Pro users + improve the speed of solving + upgraded models to solve more challenges + background tabs support + attempt to skip multiple failed challenges **DISCLAIMER** -> Challenges are constantly evolving, and models CANNOT solve all tasks in time. If success rate is critical, please try to use other solving add-ons/services. -> Solving from reputable IP addresses help avoid continuous new challenges after successful solving. -> reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha will block you if you're being rate limited. How to use it? -> Simply install CAPTCHA Solver extension. -> Switch on the solver on the popup page to start auto detection and sovling. -> CAPTCHA Solver extension detects hCaptcha and reCAPTCHA on any page and automatically solve the challenges. -> Switch to Pro tab for more finer controls. ADDITIONAL INFO: Following Chrome extension permissions are requested to run the CAPTCHA Solver: storage: to store configuration alarms: to connect partners regularly declarativeNetRequest: to understand the CAPTCHA language What are the alternatives if NDS does not meet your needs? We appreciate if you are willing to give us feedback before giving up. There are some other tools you can refer to if CAPTCHA Solver is not the most suitable tool for your task: NopeCHA enables you to solve reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, FunCAPTCHA, AWS WAF, and text CAPTCHA challenges using AI after activating API key; Captcha Solver enables you to solve many types challenges after adding funds and API key; Captcha Solver ( based) enables you to find and bypass CAPTCHAs automatically with's account key; Buster enables you to solve difficult captchas by completing reCAPTCHA audio challenges using speech recognition; reCAPTCHA Solver enables you automatically solve any type reCAPTCHA after getting your API key from the solving service; hCaptcha Solver enables you solve any type hCaptcha after getting your own API key; hektCaptcha enables you to solve hCaptcha using AI locally; **IMPORTANT INFO**: CAPTCHA Solver DOES NOT contain any malware or spyware. More information about Privacy Policy, please refer to miniRPA's official website.

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  • Güncellenme tarihi:
    3 Haziran 2024
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