This application provides File System for your Dropbox storage.
This software provides you an ability to mount your Dropbox to Chrome OS (unofficial software). [Note 2020/01/04] Currently, there is an issue at mounting (the authorization window cannot be opened), and now investigating. As the workaround, the authorization window will be opened after clicking mount button continuously. Notes: * This works on only ChromeOS. * It will unmount automatically when the access token is expired to access Dropbox Core API. * Multiple accounts can be mounted at the same time. * The same feature as Project Infinite already supported. Change history: Sep 9, 2019: 1.4.2 - Remove Sentry report, and fix some vulnerabilities. April 2, 2019: 1.4.1: - Fix a watcher bug and add a configuration to turn on/off the watcher feature. March 27, 2019: 1.4.0: - Support a watcher feature. The changed files/directories on other PC are automatically reflected. March 27, 2019: 1.3.17: - Refactor JavaScript codes internally. March 26, 2019: 1.3.16: - Change the build system internally. December 29, 2017: 1.3.15: - Fix the broken UI (use Bootstrap instead of Polymer). August 1, 2017: 1.3.14: - Don't send 500 error to Sentry. July 31th, 2017: 1.3.13: - Add some log outputs for debugging about auto un-mounting. July 26th, 2017: 1.3.12 - Retry sending a request when the status was 0 (maybe, timeout). July 25th, 2017: 1.3.11 - Added a release version for Sentry report. July 24th, 2017: 1.3.10 - Use chrome.fileSystemProvider.get() function. July 21th, 2017: 1.3.9 - Add some code for debugging. July 20th, 2017: 1.3.8 - Fix the problem at unmounting by an access token expired. July 20th, 2017: 1.3.7 - Fix the 400 problem at reading a file. July 19th, 2017: 1.3.6 - Include an app.version information into the request sent to the Sentry. July 18th, 2017: 1.3.5 - Retry to send a request when 429 received. July 13th, 2017: 1.3.4 - Adjust error information for Sentry. July 11th, 2017: 1.3.3 - Check whether the chrome.fileSystemProvider API exists or not at starting. July 11th, 2017: 1.3.2 - Error reporting to Sentry. June 3rd, 2017: 1.3.1 - Fix the issue when writing a file. May 29th, 2017: 1.3.0 - Support an image thumbnail. May 28th, 2017: 1.2.1 - Fix the multibyte issue of HTTP Header value. May 28th, 2017: 1.2.0 - Migrated Dropbox API from v1 to v2. Dec 2nd, 2015: 1.1.8 - Fixed the problem at unmounting. - Supported Xmas. Sep 14th, 2015: 1.1.7 - Fixed the CSS problem. Jul 3rd, 2015: 1.1.6 - Avoided displaying notification when error occurs. Jun 18th, 2015: 1.1.5 - Added the feature to show a notification at error. Jun 2nd, 2015: 1.1.4 - Supported multiple mount. Jun 2nd, 2015: 1.1.3 - Supported onMountRequested. May 21th, 2015: 1.1.2 - Added the FSP denifition to manifest.json file. Apr 18th, 2015: 1.1.1 - Added the new configuration item to limit the max number of the opened files. Apr 1st, 2015: 1.1.0 - Added the link to open the Dropbox linked applications page for security. - Support multiple accounts. Mar 31th, 2015: 1.0.1 - Fixed the font size issue. Mar 12th, 2015: 1.0.0 - First release.
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- Version1.4.2
- Aktualisiert9. Januar 2020
- Größe207KiB
- SprachenEnglish
- Entwickler
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