Clean up your bookmark mess! Sort bookmarks automatically, delete duplicates, merge folders, etc.
Are your Chrome bookmarks a mess? SuperSorter can help! SuperSorter sorts all of your bookmarks, in all your folders, into alphabetical order. It sorts folders too and if you like it will put the folders at the top of the list. SuperSorter also deletes empty folders, deletes duplicate bookmarks and merges folders with the same name. It can also sort bookmarks automatically every few minutes, making it even easier to keep everything tidy. Warning: There is no undo function, so use this extension at your own risk! WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.0.6: - Added a dropdown to choose the language to sort and compare in.
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- バージョン1.0.6
- 更新:2023年4月5日
- 提供元Richard Corner
- サイズ430KiB
- 言語English
- デベロッパー
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- 承認されている以外の用途で第三者に販売しないこと
- アイテムの中心機能と関係のない目的で使用または転送しないこと
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